Friday, August 5, 2011

Welcome to Canada.

Right now I am currently sitting in bed, in a new condo, in CANADA.

Crazy talk, right?! For the next two months, I will be living here!  I still can't get over it.  You are probably thinking, "didn't you JUST move to Provo?  What are you doing in Canada?"   Well, long story short I got a job and I will be training here until October.  Now let's be honest, who likes short stories?  Not me.

In May, right before I moved to Provo, I was told about an audition for the Disney.  They were looking for dancers and character performers for their cruise line.  Now, anyone who knows me knows that I am absolutely OBSESSED with Disney, but I didn't really want to try out.  I hadn't really danced in a long time and wasn't feeling confident about it.  however, after being convinced by my old dance teacher (who is more like a second mother), I decided at the last second to give it a try.  When I say last second, I mean it, like it was literally an hour before the audition.

Surprisingly, I felt super confident after the audition.  I had made it through all the rounds and was feeling really good about it.  This might sound extremely cheesy, but when we were doing the last routine I pictured myself on the ship and got the most amazing feeling; I knew right then that it was something I wanted to do.  They told us we wouldn't hear anything for about two weeks but if we didn't hear anything then, that they might contact us later about other contracts.  I never heard back and with all the stress of moving I completely forgot about it.

About a week or two after I had moved to Provo, I received an e-mail from one of the casting directors telling me they had tried to contact me but couldn't (I had gotten a new phone and never let them know) and they wanted to know if I was still interested.  Shocked, I called them back immediately and told them I definitely was!  I was told they had to look over a few things and they would call me back to let me know if they could offer me the position...  they called me back the very next day and offered me the job!  I was beyond excited and accepted!  Although I told them I was interested, I was still a little iffy..I mean, I JUST moved to Provo and was finally starting to get settled.  And then there was school I had to think about and church and so many other little details that made me second guess myself.  But in the end, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and all those other things would still be available to me when I got back; I just couldn't pass it up!  

So, here I am, writing to you from Toronto.  For the next two months, I will be training and rehearsing until it is time for me to board the Wonder 24 where I will be until April!  It's only the first night, and I already love it!  I am beyond excited to see where this journey takes me and I hope you will follow along for the ride!  

Here are some pictures of my life here in Canada, so far!

My house for the next two months!
Really tall building that I want to climb!
Our HUGE freezer :)
xoxo Kristin

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